Group Services: Medical & Prescription | Term Life | Disability | Dental | Employee Paid Voluntary Benefits

Employee Paid Voluntary Benefits

The following is a list of the advantageous of voluntary benefits:

  • Voluntary benefits allow flexibility for employees to decide how to spend their discretionary income on additional products and services that fit their needs.
  • There is greater interest in worksite benefits by both employers and employees. Voluntary benefits offer a wide selection of different products that fit the need of the employees.
  • Employers are looking for ways to shift costs to employees and voluntary benefits provide a viable solution for doing so.
  • Competition for the best employees is tight, and good benefits are key in recruiting and retention. Comprehensive voluntary benefits are appreciated by employees.
  • A wide array of voluntary benefits gives employees more control and more choice.
  • Employees see advertising for certain benefits, get curious and inquire about whether these benefits can be offered on a voluntary basis.
  • Voluntary benefits improve employee morale.
  • Employees can receive tax benefits from voluntary benefits.
  • Voluntary benefits can be offered with no additional employer costs
  • Voluntary benefits provide employees with an easy payment method through payroll deduction.
  • Voluntary benefits have lower costs and/or better options by being offered through the employer.
  • Voluntary benefits offer accessibility and convenience to employees, rather than having them shop around on their own.
  • Typical Voluntary Product Lines:
    • Life
    • Accident
    • Cancer
    • Disability
    • Dental
    • Critical Illness
    • Hospital Confinement
    • Medical Gap & Mini Meds
Service Overview

We offer a variety of services for large, medium, and small employer groups. Some of our services include:

  • Medical
  • Prescription Coverage
  • Dental
  • Life
  • Accident Death & Dismemeberment
  • Long Term Disability
  • Short Term Disability
  • Accident
  • Cancer
  • Critical Ilness
  • Hospital Indemnity
  • Vision
  • Supplemental Insurance